Author: Jim Collison
Ask the Podcast Coach for May 2, 2015
This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk about Dave’s website hosting issues and some changes that might be coming on his network. Jim talked about his hosting from and we talked about using the small business for our podcast. Daniel J Lewis called in and we discussed the new service from Clammr. Dave talked about his work with and we covered some news on Podclear and Soundcloud. We wrapped the show with a call from Michael on questions around RSS Feeds. You can find this podcast at Contact Jim at Follow Jim on Twitter
Click for more / Podcast Player>Ask the Podcast Coach for April 25, 2015
This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk about all the things Dave learned at New Media Expo, Dave talked about his new series on Podcasting for Free, I talked about the need for cross platform knowledge when it comes to podcasting. You can’t be an Android guy or an iPhone Guy, you need to be both. We covered the topic of RSS and how that works for humans (I actually bought a new domain during the show to help out with that) and we had a discussion around Bill called in with a question around using podcasting
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