Author: Jim Collison

ICY DOCK MB662US-2S dual bay 3.5 SATA to eSATA/USB 2.0

Disclosure: ICYDOCK provided this unit for testing purposes at no cost. The MB662US-2S is a dual bay hard drive RAID enclosure that can use two 3.5” SATA hard drives (in my case, 80 GB drives) with 6 different RAID configurations and both USB and e-SATA connectors.  A good looking case design, a fan speed controller and hard drive installation that requires no tools or kits rounds out the highlights of features. What’s in the box? Product Features: * MB662 Series fits 2x 3.5” SATA I/II hard drives for maximum storage and supports up to 4TB. * Plug & Play USB

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Home Server Show 72 – Interviews from CES

Show 72 wraps up the interviews that Jim, Chris, and Dave did at CES 2010.  You will hear from Mark Pendergrast, Senior Product Manager at Microsoft for Windows Home Server, the Zune team from Microsoft, and from a handful of bloggers and podcasters we met up with at CES.  You will also hear an interview with LaCie’s Mike Mihalik about the new server from LaCie.  We were even recognized by a listener and managed to corner him for an Interview. Special thanks goes out to all who participated in these interviews.  Andrew Edney, Timothy Daleo, Terry Walsh, Jim Clark, Garry

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Still Not Convinced You Need a Windows Home Server? Paul Says You Do!

Even though Microsoft went well out of their way to NOT give us any details on the next version of Windows Home Server (WHS) at CES, Paul Thurrott, author of the SuperSite for Windows and weekly host on Windows Weekly with Leo LaPorte, hinted at the fact that WHS v2 will be out sometime this year.  It comes at minute 41 in the podcast if you are interested in listening to it.  I have provided the links below. If you haven’t “gotten into” listening to podcasts (especially mine) yet, now would be a great time to start.  Podcasts are very

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CES 2010 – Toyota Tacoma All Terrain Gamer from Kicker (PhotoSynth)

One of the very last things I saw on Saturday at CES was the Toyota Tacoma All Terrain Gamer vehicle from Kicker.  A tricked out Tacoma with 4 screens, 4 Xbox 360s, 2 bikes and a big screen on the back.  Needless to say, this is not going on the road! This truck would make my kids never want to come back in the house again So if you are into gaming, this is the rig.  I have include some links for your reviewing pleasure.  I even made a photosynth of it so you could be there virtually. Jim’s

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First Race for 2010 – 28th Annual Groundhog Run, KC – January 31st

Believed to be the biggest organized run in America which takes place completely underground, the Groundhog Run will take place at the Hunt Midwest Subtropolis. Hunt Midwest has partnered with Children’s TLC to hold the run since its inception, and the Subtropolis provides an ideal venue for competitive running in the cold Kansas City winter! The races are sanctioned by the Mid America Running Association. This year we are taking a group from Gallup down for the run.  Should be a great day of running and fun!  I’m looking forward to it. 2010 would be a great year for

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