Category: Ask the Podcast Coach

Ask the Podcast Coach for July 11, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk about getting the guest selection right for your audience.  We had a question about getting your domain set up right.  Jim spends a little time going over basic DNS issues.  Another question around doing podcasting for less.  Dave gets surprised from WP Engine and Jim makes a Clammrcast suggestion to Dave for using the date in the podcast.  We look at Web hosting verses WordPress hosting.  A final tip from Jim on using Facebook devs tools to get your link right and Jim’s new site at  Jim also has a

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Ask the Podcast Coach for June 27, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we somehow broke Blog Talk Radio and so questions came from the chatroom only.  We covered the WTF story about President Obama joining Mark Maron on his podcast.  A listeners asks the question about podcasting in politics.  We ask the question, where will the next podcasting boom come from.  Subscribe on Android is gaining traction with more podcatchers coming on board.  We talk a little about Clammr and the fact that Dave has moved his website.  We have new Edison Research numbers and we talk about podcasting without WordPress. You can find this

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Ask the Podcast Coach for June 13, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talked about having good hardware for recording your podcast.  We also talked about shipping mics to your guest for better audio.  Kim called in and we talked about do surveys with your audience. New and Noteworthy sees some air time and we talk about Audible getting into podcasting.  We close out the show with some talk about story telling podcasts like NPR, a few thoughts about how to use Periscope and Dave covers Joyride. You can find this podcast at Contact Jim at Follow Jim on Twitter at Follow

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Ask the Podcast Coach for June 6, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talked about dealing with the Haters.  Dave says “Shake it Off!”  Dave asks the question How do you find a good podcast consultant?  Dave covers how to become a School of Podcasting Affiliate and Jim gives an update on the coming Windows 10.   Do you ask people to subscribe to your podcasts?  How do you do it and we get a question on how to name a podcast.  Jim finishes the show with an update on Pariscope and talks about his experiment with “Monkeys with Microphones!” You can find this podcast at

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Ask the Podcast Coach for May 30, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk with a really excited caller who was podcasting for the first time.  We talked about hosting, live podcasting, and Godaddy v Libsyn.  We talk about Leo LePorte shutting down the live chat and streaming for his very popular shows on the twit network.  We covered some other popular platforms with,, iTunes and  Rich helps us wrap the show with a question about Google Hangouts.  You can find this podcast at Contact Jim at Follow Jim on Twitter at Follow Dave on Twitter at Find

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Ask the Podcast Coach for May 16, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk about some behind the scenes from NMX as Dave works on the Virtual Ticket.  We go back to last week when Mike’s PC blew out during the podcast and covered the importance of having a back up.  Dave made people cry with his latest episode from School of Podcasting and John called in with some questions about Mastermind groups.  Dave covers some monetization options with Joy Ride and Podbean and I cover the benefits of working a podcast at a tech conference, Infotec 2015. Http://  We talk about working on a

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