Category: Home Gadget Geeks

Home Gadget Geeks

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Black Friday Trends for 2021 and Digital Assistances Everywhere – HGG513

It's great to have Mike back this week as we catch up with him and spend some time talking about Black Friday deal trends, Digital Assistances, Slickdeal Alerts and some of Jim's newest power tools purchases. A run pre-Thanksgiving show and lots to discuss! Thanks for listening. Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Brian Flanigan-Arthurs with TextExpander and Classroomscreen – HGG512

Brian Flanigan-Arthurs, a Patreon Supporter and long-time listener joins us this week. We spend some time getting to know Brian and then dive into TextExpander. We then spend some time with Classroomscreen, a new classroom tool that supports learning and on-demand widgets. In the post-show and available for Patreon subscribers, we talk about Brian's Home… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Gavin Campbell with Emby / Kode Media Center and Unraid Setups – HGG511

This week we have Patreon Supporter and long-time listener, Gavin Campbell, with us. In this episode, we get to know Gavin a bit. We walk thru his media center setup using Emby, Kode, and Channels. We also dig into his Unraid box and there is lots of docker conversation. We wrap the show with a… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Jon Maddox from Channels and Updates for Channels 5.0 for Apple TV & iOS – HGG510

This week we have Jon Maddox from Channels at joins us this week to talk about the updates for Channels 5.0 for Apple TV & iOS, as well as Channels 4.0 for Android & Fire TV. Lots of conversation about Channels and how they fit in the DVR market today. All that and more! Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Ed Ramirez Talks Technology Downsizing, Cryptohopper Demo – HGG509

Patreon Supporter Ed Ramirez joins this week. Jim gives a personal health update after a wild ride over the last couple of weeks. We revisit the idea of downsizing our technology footprints and doing more with less. We wrap the show with Mike giving a demo of Cryptohopper and how he is trading his Crypto.… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Dan LeFebvre from Based on a True Story Podcast – HGG508

Dan LeFebvre from Based on a True Story Podcast at joins Jim this week. Dan, a podcaster, graphic designer and educator, talks about the accuracy of some of the way tech has been represented in a few of the movies he has reviewed. We start the show with an overview of his office setup… Click for more / Podcast Player>