Category: Home Gadget Geeks

Home Gadget Geeks

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Show 500! Kids and Ham, Fastic and Fire Pits and Top 10 Lessons Learned – HGG500

We made it! Show 500 is here! Mike spends some time talking about how is kids have gotten interested in Ham radio. Some new Ham gadgets included. Jim is trying to drop some COVID weight and is trying intermittent fasting and using the Fastic App. Jim also installed a new fire pit in the backyard… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Ring Cam Install, Electric vs Battery Powered Generators and Ham Radio Updates- HGG499

Mike and Jim spend some time talking about Jim’s new Ring Cam install. Pics and examples are shown. Jim also updates on the Generator monitor and hookup selection. At the end of the show, Mike updates us on his Ham radio setup and gives Jim some advice on using a new battery-based generator. All that… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Jon Panozzo from Unraid Updates on 6.9 and the new Uncast Podcast – HGG495

We have Jon Panozzo from Unraid this week on Home Gadget Geeks. Jon updates us on the Unraid 6.9 upgrade and what to look forward to in 6.10. We also spend some time looking at the most popular apps on Unraid. Jon is also now hosting a new Podcast – the Uncast! We wrap the… Click for more / Podcast Player>