Category: Home Gadget Geeks

Home Gadget Geeks

Patrick Stuart from Hubitat and the Hubitat Elevation, Guest Tony Raynor – HGG398

We were joined by Patrick Stuart, head of Product and Business Development at Hubitat Inc, where we talked about Hubitat’s new Elevation hub and the vision for a local, fast, reliable and private device that brings the control of home automation back to the user and out of the cloud.  We also were joined by… Click for more / Podcast Player>

UPS Replacement, EDC Every Day Carry, Apple Credit Card and Budget Apps – HGG397

Jim and Mike are back this week with the question, “When your UPS dies, do you replace the battery, buy a new UPS or upgrade the UPS to something bigger?”  Mike talks about is latest YouTube Rabbit Hole and hobby with EDC (Every Day Carry) leather pocket protectors.  There is a new Credit Card coming… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Dave McCabe from talks Family Internet Safety and Ubiquiti UniFi Wifi- HGG395

We are joined by  Dave McCabe from and on Twitter @mccabeio as we spend some time talking wifi and home internet safety with the kids. Mike updates us on a recent mesh wifi install and you will want to catch the post show crypto conversation for sure! I think you will enjoy the interview. Click for more / Podcast Player>

Jon Panozzo from Lime Technology and Unraid – HGG394

We are joined by Jonathan Panozzo, the CMO/CSO with Lime Technology, Inc. headquartered out of Anaheim, CA, and the makers of UnRaid.  Jon talks a little history of the company, their current community and what the future looks like in coming years! Big thanks to Jon and Spencer Jones for saying YES to the interview. … Click for more / Podcast Player>

Erin Lawrence talks Galaxy S10, Echo Show, Blizzident 3D Printed Toothbrush and What3Words – HGG393

Erin Lawrence is back again this week with a look at the Galaxy S10+ and a discussion around the future of really expensive smartphones.  We talk about the Echo Show and the Echo Sub as well as a look a new 3D printed toothbrush from Blizzident.  We wrap it with an interesting discussion on a… Click for more / Podcast Player>