Ask the Podcast Coach for December 6, 2014

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we start with Dave talking about a new mixer that he had just purchased.  he bought the Behringer X1832USB and it worked great for the podcast.  In major breaking news, we started testing the Beta of Blog Talk Radio for the call in part of the show.  Tim asked us about Hipcast and we talked about video podcasting.  We asked the question, “Should you do time released podcasts?”  We ended up the show with a discussion around how much you should charge for the consulting you do for your podcast. You can find

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Part 2: Exploring Big Data Through the Twitterverse – CF014

This week Ashton and Christian continue their exploration of Big Data through tweets around the world using Twitter's Streaming API. In particular, Christian walks through improvements to his starter kit, showing how to manipulate and filter tweets, as well as do the classic Word Count example using tweets and hashtags. Ashton walks us through how… Click for more / Podcast Player>

OnAir Box Kickstarter Project Launch and Camera Gear for the Holidays – HGG194

Daniel Vocke, CEO of OnAir ( and Twitter (, as well as the guys from (@jpeg2raw) – Mike Howard and Tim Kemperle join Jim ( for show #194 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: or if… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Ask the Podcast Coach for November 29, 2014

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we start with Fred who asked some questions about album artwork for iTunes.  We talk about updates to that makes it easier to chat in the mobile app, turning your Hangout on Air into a podcast, Skype has some new updates and can be used for recording video according to Ryan Parker who called in, using the video broadcasting tool from Vmix, Podcast One asking to be removed from Stitcher, MediaFire update, new player on the scene with AudioMack, having a good chair and black Friday specials. You can find this podcast

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Microsoft Band, Surface Pro3, Windows 10 and Ears on Surface Geeks 79

Dave McCabe and Jim continue the discussion the New Microsoft Band as well as some conversation about the Surface Pro 3, Windows 10, Windows Phone, CES in Vegas and a great tip from Dave about the SP3 pen tip. This episode is sponsored by Ears.  Boost your Surface volume by 10db!  Get your pair or send this link to your friends and family members so they can get you a pair or some for themselves! Only $11.85 on Amazon. Get the full show notes at This podcast is a member of the geeks network. Check out for

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Ask the Podcast Coach for November 22, 2014

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we start the show with all kinds of problems with the LIVE site.  It looks like Dave’s site was under attack.  We went live everywhere else. In this episode we talked about deleting WordPress Themes, had a discussion about story telling podcasts getting popular with new shows like Serial and Startup, covered the fact that Dave got a take down request from Audello, Barbara called in an asked us how to remove the bass from some audio in Audacity, hosting both audio and video on the same site, a new service called Shout

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