Derek Labian, CEO of MediaFire Talks Accessing Your Media Anytime, from Anywhere on Any Device – HGG177

Derek Labian from ( joins Jim (@jcollison) for show #177 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. On this episode, we get to know Derek a bit, ask about the formation of MediaFire, cover the current offerings that MediaFire has for cloud storage, look at… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Ask the Podcast Coach for July 26, 2014

This week on AtPC: It was good to be back on Ask the Podcast Coach after a week off for vacation. Big thanks to Ryan Parker from who filled in for me while I was out.  We as the question, “Should my Podcast be professional or sloppy?”  Dave covers the steps of converting audio in iTunes with a live demo.  A listener asks us what the best length is for a podcast.  A caller asks the question, “I want to podcast, but what now?”  Having Skype issues, we cover some steps that might help. You can find the entire

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Vacation Tech, Replacing a Broken Digitizer, Backing Up, Automating with Buffer and Zapier, GoPro, Garmin 220 – HGG176

Mike Howard (@jpeg2raw) from joins Jim (@jcollison) and for show #176 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. I talk about some things that I did with my digital life while I was on vacation.  Sarah broke here Galaxy S4 on a rock while climbing… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Ask the Podcast Coach for July 12, 2014

This week on AtPC: We talk how Google is shutting down the social network Orkit, an overview of the Social help tool from, Stitcher and Spreaker news, Android Audio, HipChat, some discussion around YouTube End Cards, Dave’s talk at Podcast Movement, some podcast best practices, Audioboo’s support is great on Twitter (@audioboo) and is there an age limit to podcasting?  All this and more on this episode.   You can find the entire post of show notes and both audio and video at:    Jim’s Twitter:!/jcollison Contact the show at Find this and other great Podcasts from

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Jim Covers the Social Media tool on Weekly Web Tools 253

I do a Saturday AM show (9:30amC/[spp-timestamp time="10:30"]E) at with the one and only Dave Jackson from and on the July 12th episode, I spent a few minutes covering the social media tool that I use to track my Twitter account.  The audio is just 10 minutes long and can be found at the link below: Dave also made a great overview video below.  Be sure to listen to and watch both.   Here is the full version video of Ask the Podcast Coach for July 12th

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Ask the Podcast Coach for July 5, 2014

This week on AtPC we ask the question, “how many #1 priorities do you have?”  We also cover being an original podcast in a cookie cutter world, the Rainmaker platform from Guy DiMartino, a new website design for, collecting emails and membership software, new player for Audioboo, playing music on your podcast and using webinars as a promotional tool.  All that and more, on Ask the Podcast Coach. You can find the entire post of show notes and both audio and video at

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