Tag: Jim Collison
Online Affairs, Female Chatbots, and A Mildly Unrelated DDoS Conversation – CF026
Phillips Hue and Hue LUX Lighting Systems with the Amazon Echo, Ring.com – HGG229
Silicon Prairie News Minute for September 1, 2015 – HTT022
Ask the Podcast Coach for August 22, 2015
This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk about the team over at Podcasters Group Therapy and Jim makes the mistake of calling Corey the “strait guy”. The group later plays that clip on the latest episode. Dave asks the question if Podcasting is pointless. Jim covers going back to Google Adsense to monetize YouTube videos on this network. We talked about the launch of Podcasters Society and asked the question if podcasters are really open to taking advice? You can find this podcast at http://askthepodcastcoach.com/is-podcasting-pointless/ Contact Jim at jim@theaverageguy.tv Follow Jim on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jcollison Follow Dave on
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