Tag: Jim Collison

Ask the Podcast Coach for July 18, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, after a bunch of audio issues we talked about the society of Canadian Composers as well as the much anticipated Amazon Prime Day on July 15th.  A caller asked about what cables are needed to set up and record with a Zoom H5.  We had a long conversation about getting rid of fan noise that might creep into your recording as well as the best way to record a call.  Dave talks some about Gimlet media and their 22 employees and how to grow your audience on Twitter.  We wrap it up with

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Edward Weniger talks the History and Future of Bitcoin – HGG223

Edward Weniger from AlphaBITCOIN (http://alphabtc.com/) joins Jim https://twitter.com/jcollison for show #223 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?id=457300409&type=Podcast&ls=1&mt=1 Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy or if you are in Canada, use https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy WANT TO SUBSCRIBE?… Click for more / Podcast Player>

UnleashStrengths Episode 30 – All the Strengthsfinder Resources You Can Handle

I got the chance to join Andy Sokolovich and Grace LaConte on the Theme Addicts Podcast over at  http://www.unleashstrengths.com/  You will want to head over to the link below not only to listen to the show, but get all the included links.  Lots of info about Strengthsfinder in a short amount of time.  Have a listen. http://www.unleashstrengths.com/jim-collison-the-strengths-resource-show-ta030/#comment-516 Jim’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jcollison Contact Jim at jim@theaverageguy.tv Find this and other great Podcasts from the Average Guy Network at http://theaverageguy.tv

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Data Breaches of the 21st Century – OPM Ripples through the FedGov – CF023

This week on Cyber Frontiers Jim and Christian take some time to discuss what has quickly become a favorite past time - data breaches! With the LastPass breach and OPM breach both making waves in the news (one more so than the other) - we took the time to analyze the impact of these two… Click for more / Podcast Player>

An Update on Windows 10 on the Surface Pro 3, Updates to the Microsoft Band On Surface Geek 94

Get the full show notes at http://surfacegeeks.net/windows-10-on-surface-pro-3.html Dave is back from his trip to Europe and reach to chat about some Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 3.   Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (128 GB, Intel Core i5) by Microsoft http://amzn.to/1e7sJOc Microsoft Surface 3 Tablet  http://amzn.to/1Su7sMa   Join the Forums at http://smartwearforums.com Jim’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jcollison Contact Jim at jim@theaverageguy.tv Find this and other great Podcasts from the Average Guy Network at http://theaverageguy.tv

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Ask the Podcast Coach for July 11, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk about getting the guest selection right for your audience.  We had a question about getting your domain set up right.  Jim spends a little time going over basic DNS issues.  Another question around doing podcasting for less.  Dave gets surprised from WP Engine and Jim makes a Clammrcast suggestion to Dave for using the date in the podcast.  We look at Web hosting verses WordPress hosting.  A final tip from Jim on using Facebook devs tools to get your link right and Jim’s new site at http://validatemyfeed.com.  Jim also has a

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