Tag: Jim Collison

How to Create And Share Your Blog – T4C001

Tech 4 Coaches Episode 002 presented by http://UnleashStrengths.com recorded on October 20, 2014 Andy and Jim spend time with Carol Anne McGuire from http://rockyourstrengths.com/ as we look at her current website and give her some suggestions on how to make it better.  Andy covers these questions: What is blogging?  How to write a blog. How often to post. Free Blogging Tools.  How to get ideas for blogging.  Catch the audio and show notes at: http://www.unleashstrengths.com/tech-for-coaches-t4c-ep001-how-to-create-and-share-your-blog/   Tech questions you’d like to have answered?  You can also give us a call at 815-441-2219 or email andy@unleashstrengths.com Jim’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jcollison Contact Jim

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Ask the Podcast Coach for November 8, 2014

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, Dave and Jim talk about the mechanics of doing a live show.  We had a caller from Omaha Nebraska call in and ask about doing a show live.  We chat about Bossjock Studio, Callinstudio.com to bring in the live callers and Dave talks about he uses MagicJack for the phone line.  That also gives us a break down on Audello. We had a discussion on the volume leveling for podcasters and Dave totally lost all our callers when we discovered that he had unplugged the channel with his chair.  Jim talks a bit

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The Future of Cybersecurity Competition and Education with CEO of Cyber Skyline – Franz Payer – CF012

This week we take an exciting deep dive into innovation in the cybersecurity industry by talking with Franz Payer, one of the industry’s rising start-up CEO’s of Cyber Skyline. Christian, Ashton, and Jim talk with Franz about his new cybersecurity competition and education platform, which takes a unique approach to teaching cybersecurity skills and hosting… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Ask the Podcast Coach for October 25, 2014

Dave and Jim talk about the recent purchase of Stitcher by Deezer.  We talk about changing the tone of your voice when mixing audio for different reasons.  Craig calls in to ask some questions about branding and logos.  We talk about Podcast directories and growing your audience.  Jim goes on a huge rant about making money with your podcast.  Jim covers http://uptimerobot.com, a site that helps you monitor you website.  Dave covers Hello Sign, a service that helps you get documents signed on the web.  Jim asks the question, can you use http://MixCloud.com to play your podcasts with music in

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Jim Covers the Website Monitoring Tool UpTimeRobot.com on Weekly Web Tools 266

I do a Saturday AM show (9:30amC/[spp-timestamp time="10:30"]E) at http://askthepodcastcoach.com/live with the one and only Dave Jackson from http://schoolofpodcasting.com and on the October 25, 2014 episode, I spent a few minutes covering the website monitoring tool from http://uptimerobot.com.  The audio is less than 10 minutes long and can be found at the link below:  http://weeklywebtools.com/podcast/uptimerobot-website-monitor-hellosign Dave also covered an offering from Hellosign.  They are a service that helps you get digital signatures from people. Watch the full interview with Umut from UpTimeRobot on Youtube:   Catch the full post with show notes at https://theaverageguy.tv/hgg189 And a 3 minute overview on YouTube:

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It’s All About the Mac, ‘bout the Mac, No Windows – HGG191

Chris Pilon from http://www.dadrenaline.com/ and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/dadrenalineblog joins Jim (https://twitter.com/jcollison) for show #191 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com/ community. This weeks show covers all things Apple.  What’s hot and what’s not and an honest conversation about the most recently release products.  Chris a… Click for more / Podcast Player>