Tag: Jim Collison
Mike Howard and College Tech for Parents – HGG182
Ask the Podcast Coach for Aug 23, 2014
This week on AtPC: Dave and Jim are joined in studio by Matt Lovell from http://mindingthegap.net who published his very first podcast the week before. Dave and Matt were both at Podcast Movement 2014 and just happened to be in Cleveland. Dave covered some things he learned about advertising from a session he attended. A caller asked some questions about recording on Skype, Dave starts a Cleveland Podcasters group at http://cleavelandpodcasters.com and we talk some about Matt;s new podcast. Listen at: http://askthepodcastcoach.com/podcast-movement-reflection-with-matt-lovell/ Jim’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jcollison Contact the show at jim@theaverageguy.tv Find this and other great Podcasts from the Average Guy
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