Dustin Clonch from Agilx talks Deploying Web and Mobile Apps with signalR – Infotec 2014


Jim Collison is an employee of Gallup Inc. in Omaha Nebraska. Find out more about Gallup Careers at http://careers.gallup.com, and start your strengths journey at http://gallupstrengthscenter.com. These videos were created in partnership with AIM, Gallup and http://theAverageGuy.tv

Web sockets have become the newest and hottest way to extend desktop-like real-time functionality and responsiveness to web and mobile applications. Microsoft introduced signalR in January 2013 as their implementation of web sockets technology. In this presentation we will discuss designing, implementing and deploying real-time web and mobile applications across all platforms and devices. We will also demonstrate several products that Agilx has taken to market using signalR.

In 2010, Dustin Clonch and Jake McElroy formed Agilx, hoping to change the way that traditional software was developed and brought to market. Agilx has released several of their own software products, as well as developed numerous custom solutions for both start-ups and established companies across the country. Agilx has also received multiple prototyping grants as part of the Nebraska Talent and Innovation Initiative. Prior to Agilx, Dustin developed advanced enterprise software systems for the financial industry. He graduated from UNL with a B.S. in MIS and Marketing.


Jim’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jcollison

Contact Jim at podcast@theaverageguy.tv