Author: Jim Collison

Desktop Replacements: The Android Mini PC Option with a Tronsmart MK908

Android mini PCs have become a very interesting technology segment in the last few years. The Raspberry Pi has really helped to drive innovation around small form factor computing. I became interested in them as a low cost option to replace light desktop computing such as word processing. Many Android mini PCs are about half the size of a deck of cards, making them very portable and versatile. The device can be easily attached to a HDTV and then run whatever operating system is installed; Android is the most popular and various versions of Linux may or may not be

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The Change in American Employment and Pay in State Government – The Guide Rock Capital Market Commentary – FT041

Confluences are the building blocks of the world’s waterways. When two or more rivers meet, changes in velocity and turbulence tend to result in geologic scouring; erosive activity that may alter the shape of the river and its bed. The action may produce a ‘scour hole’ downstream from the confluence. For a river runner, a… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Home Tech Special – Live Review of a NEST Thermostat

During the post show of Home Tech 132 ( we got Mike Howard from to give us a live review of his 2 NEST Thermostats.  Its all contained in 8 minutes of video.  You can review the Nest Learning Thermostat – 2nd Generation T200577 on Amazon here: Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at Facebook Page: Facebook Group: If you’d like to subscribe to the show, click on to update your iTunes library, or for other Podcast downloading applications, please click on the RSS Feed and pick your Pod Catcher of

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Grooveshark Explored, Christian Makes it to University of Maryland, Subsonic FTW, Cloudflare, pfSense, Nokia Lumia 520 – HT134

Jim (@jcollison) is joined this week by Christian Johnson and Mike Howard from  Christian is back in school at the University of Maryland and we had a chance to catch up with him.  We covered our new pre-show music channel using Grooveshark, some issues that Christians has been having with his host provider and… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Post Labor Day Employment Data and the NFL – The Guide Rock Capital Market Commentary – FT040

Last week was crunch time in the National Football League (NFL). With the 2013 regular season approaching rapidly, NFL teams cut about 700 players from their rosters over the Labor Day weekend.  That was a big cut—about a 40 percent drop in player employment—as rosters were pared from 90 to 53 players.  However, it’s not… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Window To Go with Windows 8 Enterprise, Remote Backup with WS 2012 R2 Essentials, What’s New with VMware ESXi 5.5, Safe Podcast Listening – HT133

Jim (@jcollison) is joined this week by Paul Baran (@Tinkererguy) from and Windows Home Server MVP John Zajdler (@Dieharder) for Home Tech episode #133.  We spent the majority of the show talking about how John is using Windows To Go on a 32GB Data Traveler Workspace drive from Kingston.  We get an update from… Click for more / Podcast Player>