Author: Jim Collison
Jim and Mike Howard join the Podcasters Roundtable!
On the last Friday evening in February, I was able to join Mike Howard and podcasters Daniel J. Lewis , Chris Christensen, and Ray Ortega as we talked about having multiple podcasts, being a podcaster who has one show but has considered starting another and when starting a new podcast is a bad idea. It was great getting together with some other podcasters to discuss the issues. Thanks for the invite Ray! You can find out more about the Podcasters Roundtable at
Click for more / Podcast Player>And the Drobo FS Winner is…
Congratulations to Jay Shridharani of Durham, NC for listening to Home Tech for the first Home Networking show and having the correct word of the show, “Roland”. A brand new Drobo FS is heading your way Jay! Congrats! Don’t forget, you can listen to Home Tech most Thursday nights at 8pmC/9E at! Next giveaway starts in April! Watch for it here!
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