Author: Jim Collison

Worried about PC Security? 2 Things You Should Do Right Now! (and they are free!)

It seems like it comes in waves and this week has been one of those waves!  Since I often fix broken PCs for people, I see it all.  Lately, I have been getting that call that starts something like this.  “Jim, I have a message that my computer has found a virus and that I need to pay to update my Antivirus software.  Do I?” In most cases, this is a solid, NO!  There is a breed of viruses called “Scareware” that try to separate you from you money by collecting $$$ for antivirus updates for some bogus software.  It

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The Home Server Show #101

Listen to us LIVE, this Wednesday at [spp-timestamp time="8:00"]PM Central @ In episode 101, John, Dave and I go over the news of the week and talk about a couple of upcoming build projects.  There is a lot of cloud news this week and as you know we love to transfer our files off site.   In our builds feature I talk more about the hardware that I have  purchased and Dave goes over his current test server.  Be on the look out for posts about these builds.  We also discuss the deals from show 100 as well as the give

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Saying “Good-bye” to the Palm Pre? One Year Later…

A year ago this month I was getting ready to move away from the MotoQ that I had been using for the previous 2 years on Verizon and was moving back to Sprint.  My only real option at the time was the newly release Palm Pre.  While at the time I compared it to the iPhone, there was never really an option of moving to that platform.  I’m a Sprint guy and needed to stay with Sprint (besides, I have a iPod Touch).  I know this kills some of you. Fast forward a year and it’s time to make that

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From Boys Town to Barn Burning! It Was a Good Week of Training! Recap

I’m sure you had a busy week!  I know I did.  It was a holiday week with Monday being Memorial Day for us here in the US.  Traditionally that means some down time or BBQ in the back yard.  Not so much when you start training for a marathon.  I have 17 weeks until the Omaha event and I want to hit that 4 hour goal that I have yet to make.  That means running…a lot of running! It started Monday with the Boys Town 5 mile run.  The weather was great and course was a challenge.  It was the

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