Author: Jim Collison
Erin Lawrence and Her Custom #vanlife Build – HGG412
9 Tips To Improve Your Astrophotography Images
You don’t have to be a professional photographer to be able to take stunning night-time images. All you need is a digital camera and a tripod and you have all the equipment you require to take astrophotography images. If you’re just getting started then keep reading below, as I’ve got some great tips to help you get started on your night time photography journey. What is Astrophotography? There are many types of photography styles, from wildlife photography, street photography to portrait photography, each requiring a different type of equipment and skills. Astrophotography is all about capturing the night sky. Objects
Click for more / Podcast Player>Mike is Hamming it Up with Amateur Radio, Hands on Review – HGG411
How to Manage Kids’ Screen Time
Limiting screen time has become an essential duty for any parent. As kids are exposed to technology from a very young age, you’ll have to step in and control the content that your child consumes. Too much screen time has been shown to limit social interactions and affect proper growth/development. Kids who spend hours on end watching TV (or using a computer) are more prone to mental and physical development issues. These include attention disorders, obesity, and unhealthy sleeping patterns. As technology continues to become an essential part of our daily lives, how can you limit your child’s screen time
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