Category: Home Tech

Tech Guys Helping Tech Guys!

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What’s Happening with the CPU / GPU Markets and Hard Drives are Cheaper Than Ever – HGG473

We have Bob Buskirk and Ryan Kerschner from are back this week as we spend some time talking about the GPU and CPU markets, Hard Drive and Solid State storage and a long look at Bob’s new 49 Inch Ultra Widescreen Monitor. If you are a Patreon Subscriber or follow the Live Channel on… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Sammie Collison with National Elections on a College Campus and What is Ahead – HGG470

Sammie Collison joins Jim this week (Mike has the week off hunting) and we recap the Collison Thanksgiving day meal as well as discuss what it is like to be in a college newsroom during a major election. We also talk about her future plans once school is over in the summer of 2021.  All… Click for more / Podcast Player>

10 Best Podcasts For Up-And-Coming Tech Gurus

Are you looking to level up in your tech career? Want to brush up on your tech skills? Want to be in the know, when it comes to the tech world? If you said “yes” to all three questions, then you’ve came to the right place! Listening to podcasts is a great way to make the most of your time, while allowing you to gain knowledge on the go. Here are 10 tech podcasts to start listening to today! 1. Clockwise This podcast consists of a round-table discussion with two hosts, along two industry guests. It’s essentially 30 minutes of

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