Category: Home Gadget Geeks

Home Gadget Geeks

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Kevin Schoonover, IcyDock Options and Gigabit Internet Choices – HGG434

Kevin Schoonover is back again and this time loaded up with internet and internal networking decisions. 1 GB Internet speeds means some upgrades to 2.5 and 10 GB internally, and Kevin has research all the options. We make a plea to Icydock at the beginning of the show from some sponsorship opportunities and have some… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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GoXLR Mini Hands on Review, VIVO Monitor Mounts and Goodbye Phillips Hue Hub v1 – HGG433

Mike has a new GoXLR Mini in his studio and is not afraid to use it, Live! We take a good look and demo it along with an Audio Technica AT 2020 microphone. Jim talks about the latest from Phillip Hue and the loss of support coming for the v1 Hue Hub and a solution… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Mike has a New Gaming Build and is Windows Full Time Now – HGG432

Mike walks us through his new Gaming build and confesses that he is on Windows full time now. He asks the audience for some suggestions of the must have applications on Windows. We talk about Tony Raynor hitting the 275 million view mark on Google LocalGuides. What do you do when you run out of… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Dewain Robinson with Eero Pro, Ecobee SmartThemostat, Jabra Elite and Surface Pro X – HGG431

Dewain Robinson joined us to talk about his hands on experience with the Eero Pro, why he installed the Ecobee SmartThemostat, some experience and hands on with the Jabra Elite 65t and 75t and a look at Microsoft’s X Cloud. We also looked at his new Surface Pro X and he answers the question of… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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A Look at EaseUS EverySync, Listener Feedback and Mike has a Frankenbuild – HGG430

Jim has been using EaseUS EverySync for the last month and does a hands on review to start the show. We read some user feedback from Neal who talks about his camera set up and Bruce from the Discord group who left us some pictures of the lights on his deck. We wrap the show… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Paul Braren Podcasts from the Tesla 3 and Buys Another – HGG429

Paul Braren joined us live from his garage and inside his now one year-old Telsa 3 for his annual visit to Home Gadget Geeks. We talk about how he has enjoyed the Telsa since purchasing it a year ago, why we bought another and how he will never purchase a gas-powered car again. Of course,… Click for more / Podcast Player>