Category: TAG Podcasts

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Erin Lawrence with a Robot Vacuum Cleaner Showdown and What is the Right Monitor for You – HGG534

Erin Lawrence from is back this week and we start with a review no-go. Erin recently purchase a $2000 espresso machine that had issues right out of the gate. It's not the problem you think it might be! We also look at two new robot vacuum cleaners and Erin reviews them head to head.… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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The Evolution of Cyber Talent Screening with Franz Payer, CEO Cyber Skyline – CF067

This week on Cyber Frontiers Christian and Jim catch up with Franz Payer, CEO of Cyber Skyline (related episodes: CF059, CF012). We explore the growth and development of the Cyber Skyline platform, which has evolved beyond cyber competitions to a suite of talent screening tools and skills-development capabilities. We get Franz's perspectives on where companies… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Paul Braren with an Insteon Departure, the EV Decider and Heat Pumps for the Win – HGG533

Paul Braren from joins us this week. Paul is always a ton of information and this week is no different. We open with an update on Insteon and the recent shut down of their services and how it was covered by the tech media. We also look at Paul's EV Decider tool that walks… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Phil Collison with 2 Apps that Make Live and Recorded Music Events Better – HGG532

Phil Collison joins us this week. Phil is my oldest son and is and has been a drummer for both performance bands and some groups at local churches. He talks about how he became a drummer and the practice it took to get there. He also encourages parents to let their children practice, no matter… Click for more / Podcast Player>