Category: TAG Podcasts

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Crypto Market Update, New Monitors, Self Hosting for Mike and Apartment Gadgets – HGG485

We open the show with an update on the crypto market and Jim’s updates on the new ultrawide monitor that he purchased from a tip from Honey. Mike needs some advice when it comes to self hosting or cloud hosting storage and password managers. We wrap up the show with all the essential gadgets for… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Upgrading to Ultrawide Monitors, Valheim and Unraid Updates – HGG484

Monitors have never been cheaper and Jim thinks now is the time to move to a new Ultrawide monitor for the Mac and Mike has some options. We also talk about the new game that is taking the world by storm, Valheim. We even learn how to pronounce it correctly. We look the the new… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Raz from Flowater talks FloFaucet and Refill Station and Issues Facing Plastic in Water – HGG483

Raz from joins us this week as discuss some of the substances found in drinking water that might surprise people, what is the FloFaucet, and what makes it unique as well as the benefits of using a FloWater Faucet Filter over just buying bottled water. We also look at the Flowater Refill Station and… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Jay Mattison from TekEverything and How to get a CPU/GPU in 2021 – HGG481

We have Jay Mattison back from TekEverything and we catch up with Jay and his adventures in purchasing an AMD Ryzen 9 CPU and Nvidia GPUs. I think you might be surprise on what he had to do to get them in hand! We also talk small form factor PCs, Office Chairs on the cheap… Click for more / Podcast Player>