Category: TAG Podcasts

Hubitat Elevation Unboxing, Stridekick, Shopify and Samsung Galaxy Fold Issues – HGG399

Jim purchases a Hubitat Elevation from show 398 and does a quick unboxing. We have a new community fitness App called Stridekick that will allow most of the fitness trackers to be used for competitions on steps. Mike talks about Shopify stores vs Amazon FBA and impulse purchases made on both. We wrap the show… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Patrick Stuart from Hubitat and the Hubitat Elevation, Guest Tony Raynor – HGG398

We were joined by Patrick Stuart, head of Product and Business Development at Hubitat Inc, where we talked about Hubitat’s new Elevation hub and the vision for a local, fast, reliable and private device that brings the control of home automation back to the user and out of the cloud.  We also were joined by… Click for more / Podcast Player>

UPS Replacement, EDC Every Day Carry, Apple Credit Card and Budget Apps – HGG397

Jim and Mike are back this week with the question, “When your UPS dies, do you replace the battery, buy a new UPS or upgrade the UPS to something bigger?”  Mike talks about is latest YouTube Rabbit Hole and hobby with EDC (Every Day Carry) leather pocket protectors.  There is a new Credit Card coming… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Dave McCabe from talks Family Internet Safety and Ubiquiti UniFi Wifi- HGG395

We are joined by  Dave McCabe from and on Twitter @mccabeio as we spend some time talking wifi and home internet safety with the kids. Mike updates us on a recent mesh wifi install and you will want to catch the post show crypto conversation for sure! I think you will enjoy the interview. Click for more / Podcast Player>

Jon Panozzo from Lime Technology and Unraid – HGG394

We are joined by Jonathan Panozzo, the CMO/CSO with Lime Technology, Inc. headquartered out of Anaheim, CA, and the makers of UnRaid.  Jon talks a little history of the company, their current community and what the future looks like in coming years! Big thanks to Jon and Spencer Jones for saying YES to the interview. … Click for more / Podcast Player>