Lots of Windows Phone Conversation and Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 3 – Surface Geeks 88
Get the full show notes at http://surfacegeeks.net/surface-3-speculation-and-rumors-on-surface-geeks-88.html The Home Server Show Meetup is now scheduled for September 12th in Indy. More details on that in the next couple of weeks. Dave and John chat a bunch about the Windows Phone. I wrap the show with some discussion about putting Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 3. This podcast is a member of the geeks network. Check out thegeeksnetwork.com for other great podcasts and forums. Join the Forums at http://smartwearforums.com Jim’s Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jcollison Contact Jim at jim@theaverageguy.tv Find this and other great Podcasts from the Average Guy Network at http://theaverageguy.tv
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