In a follow up to the post show conversation from show 475, Jim works thru all the options in purchasing a new Mac. Mike and Jim talk about configurations, setup, use and then pulls the trigger. Catch all the action including some additional info on Channels, a look at Jim’s dashboards in Home Assistant and… Click for more / Podcast Player>
After months of lots negative feedback from Sarah about Plex, Jim finally takes the recommendation of Josh and Richard at Entertainment 2.0 and tries out Channels. You might be surprised what he finds. Mike and Jim also give an update on their Unraid and Home Assistant installs and finish the show with Jim possibly buying… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Jim and Mike are back after the long holiday break with some updates on all the Christmas gadgets received this year. Jim has a new Meater+, Wine Fridge and assorted technology that was purchased for the Chia plotting and Unraid box. All that and more! Click for more / Podcast Player>
We have Bob Buskirk and Ryan Kerschner from are back this week as we spend some time talking about the GPU and CPU markets, Hard Drive and Solid State storage and a long look at Bob’s new 49 Inch Ultra Widescreen Monitor. If you are a Patreon Subscriber or follow the Live Channel on… Click for more / Podcast Player>
This one is all about Home Assistant. Mike gives the ins and the outs, the specs and add-ins and all that it takes to get Home Assistant up and running. So regardless of if you are using a Raspberry PI, Unraid or your own home brew, we have you covered! All that and more! Click for more / Podcast Player>
10th Anniversary Show! Need I say too much more? Christian Johnson and Andrew Morris (Original hosts from episode #1) are back and we talk about Home Servers, Home Automation and chat up on topics we have covered over the last 10 years. All that and more! Click for more / Podcast Player>