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Sammie Collison with National Elections on a College Campus and What is Ahead – HGG470

Sammie Collison joins Jim this week (Mike has the week off hunting) and we recap the Collison Thanksgiving day meal as well as discuss what it is like to be in a college newsroom during a major election. We also talk about her future plans once school is over in the summer of 2021.  All… Click for more / Podcast Player>

10 Best Podcasts For Up-And-Coming Tech Gurus

Are you looking to level up in your tech career? Want to brush up on your tech skills? Want to be in the know, when it comes to the tech world? If you said “yes” to all three questions, then you’ve came to the right place! Listening to podcasts is a great way to make the most of your time, while allowing you to gain knowledge on the go. Here are 10 tech podcasts to start listening to today! 1. Clockwise This podcast consists of a round-table discussion with two hosts, along two industry guests. It’s essentially 30 minutes of

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Chris Nesi from House of Ed Tech, Teaching During a Pandemic and a New Yankee Podcast – HGG469

Chris Nesi from House of Ed Tech and the new The Chase for 28 Podcast is our guest this week.  We spend our time talking about what is happening with his teaching during the current COVID pandemic. Lots of updates and conversation from Chris. We also spend some time talking about his newest podcast, The… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Hunting Tech with Spypoint and onX, Hands on Amazon Echo Flex and Kasa Plugs – HGG468

It’s hunting season here in Nebraska and Mike is at it again. This year, we are pulling for a big score! He talks about some hunting tech that will help him this year, both in visualizing what is out there, as well as a better way to map things out! Jim brings a hands on… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Erin Lawrence from Tech Gadget Canada and Lots of Hands on Reviews – HGG467

Erin Lawrence from https://techgadgetscanada.com is back with us again as we look at a handful of many of the great reviews she does on her site. Samsung Note 20, the latest Pixel phones from Google and some comparisons to the new iPhone 12. We talk about Coffee, toothbrushes and the latest Amazon Echo devices. Jim… Click for more / Podcast Player>