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Dewain Robinson with White Label Virtual Assistants and the Bot Framework – HGG424

We sat down with Dewain Robinson and caught up with him on his latest responsibilities at Microsoft and a discussion around building your own virtual assistant. We also spend a bunch of time talking about the use of virtual assistants and how they fit into the human space. I think you will enjoy the show. Click for more / Podcast Player>

7 Tips for Easy International Travel

The following was submitted by a listener to Home Gadget Geeks after listening to HGG418. These are excerpts from a much longer list (which I will include in longer post later) based on his own international (and domestic) travel experience. Big thanks to Jim Shoemaker for this contribution to the blog. Flights                     If you want to actually really and restfully sleep on an overnight flight you will probably need to be in a lie-flat business class seat. If that is not possible, accept that all other experiences will pale by comparison. Electronic Entertainment Be sure to load all audio

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What to Consider When Purchasing a Motherboard

Are you seeking ways to enhance the performance of your PC? Do you want to upgrade your existing PC without replacing your existing processor i7 7700k? If yes, then you need to find a motherboard that is compatible with your processor. People like professional gamers and those who do multitasking know how a motherboard is a heart and the nervous system of PC. It can significantly impact the performance of the system. Hence, it is crucial to choose your motherboard very carefully. However, with countless numbers of options available, choosing the right motherboard is quite tricky. There are many variables

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Rich Hay and the 1909 Windows Update, Surface Hardware and Xbox – HGG423

Rich Hay joins us this week in his regular semi-annual rotation and is back from both the Microsoft Surface Event and Microsoft Ignite! Rich catches us up on the Windows 1909 Update and we get a trick to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 ahead of the January 14th end of support event. We look… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Quantum Supremacy and the Cryptology Time Machine – CF058

This week on Cyber Frontiers Christian and Jim recap the latest major development in quantum research with Google’s “Quantum Supremacy” milestone. We review the headline narratives and compare today’s quantum progress with where we and others expected it to be. We delve into the tangentially related topic of cryptography, quickly leading to a walk through… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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A Look at APRS for Ham, Black Friday Shopping Lists and AirPod Pro – HGG422

By surprise, when I was interviewing Christian for Cyber Frontiers 58, he mentioned a site for Ham Radio Operators. Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio-based system for real time digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area. Data can include object Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates, weather station telemetry,… Click for more / Podcast Player>