Tag: Jim Collison

Ask the Podcast Coach for May 30, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk with a really excited caller who was podcasting for the first time.  We talked about hosting, live podcasting, and Godaddy v Libsyn.  We talk about Leo LePorte shutting down the live chat and streaming for his very popular shows on the twit network.  We covered some other popular platforms with Stitcher.com, Spreaker.com, iTunes and Tunein.com.  Rich helps us wrap the show with a question about Google Hangouts.  You can find this podcast at http://askthepodcastcoach.com/gale-wants-to-start-a-podcast-leo-laporte-shuts-down-parts-of-twit/ Contact Jim at jim@theaverageguy.tv Follow Jim on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jcollison Follow Dave on Twitter at https://twitter.com/learntopodcast Find

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Ryan Pendell from Silicon Prairie News, Using Azure to Broadcast the Podcast – HGG219

Ryan Pendell (https://twitter.com/RyanPendell) the Managing Editor from Silicon Prairie News (http://siliconprairienews.com/  joins Mike Wieger from http://wiegertech.com and the Open Mike Night Podcast http://omnpodcast.com  and Jim (https://twitter.com/jcollison) for show #219 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com community. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy or if… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Maplegrove Partners Web Hosting Infrastructure and Support with Christian Johnson – HGG218

Christian Johnson (https://twitter.com/TheWizBM) joins Mike Wieger from http://wiegertech.com and the Open Mike Night Podcast http://omnpodcast.com  and Jim (https://twitter.com/jcollison) for show #218 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com community. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy or if you are in Canada, use https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy WANT TO… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Ecobee3 Smart Thermostat, Amazon Echo, Homekit and Simplisafe Security – HGG217

John Greenaway joins Mike Wieger from http://wiegertech.com/ and the Open Mike Night Podcast http://omnpodcast.com/  and Jim (https://twitter.com/jcollison) for show #217 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com/community. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy or if you are in Canada, use https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy WANT TO SUBSCRIBE? http://theAverageGuy.tv/subscribe… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Open Everything: Adopting Cloud in the Enterprise w/ OpenSource, OpenStack, and OpenFlow – CF022

This week on Cyber Frontiers Kevin joins us to bring to a close a fantastic three part series on how cutting edge technologies are being received and adopted in the enterprise. In this segment, we take a look at how current cloud computing solutions are powering the enterprise. We evaluate different solutions, what communities are… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Ask the Podcast Coach for May 16, 2015

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we talk about some behind the scenes from NMX as Dave works on the Virtual Ticket.  We go back to last week when Mike’s PC blew out during the podcast and covered the importance of having a back up.  Dave made people cry with his latest episode from School of Podcasting and John called in with some questions about Mastermind groups.  Dave covers some monetization options with Joy Ride and Podbean and I cover the benefits of working a podcast at a tech conference, Infotec 2015. Http://theAverageGuy.tv/infotec2015.  We talk about working on a

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