Tag: Jim Collison
Ryan K Parker the Food Craftsmen talks working for Uber, the Smoking Gun and iGrill for Thanksgiving – HGG193
Ask the Podcast Coach for November 15, 2014
This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we start the show with a question about how to use your Amazon link. Its confusing at best, but we do have some answers. Proper recording levels are a must and we have a few items that might help you keep your constant. Our friend Nick Seuberling calls in and talks about url redirects for stats. Jim spends some time updating how he is using both Spreaker and Mixlr now for the podcast at Gallup. You can catch those podcasts at http://coaching.gallup.com. Jason brings us a question about mixers and spend some time
Click for more / Podcast Player>Windows 10 Technical Preview Insider Program with Rich Hay – HTT010
Home Automation, Amazon Echo and Noise Cancelling Headphones – HGG192
Microsoft Band, HP Stream 14 and Jim’s New Surface on Surface Geeks 78
Dave McCabe and Jim cover the New Microsoft Band that was just released this month. Jim also does a review of the HP Stream 14 that he picked up during the MVP Summit in Redmond Washington. We wrapped up the discussion with Jim’s new Surface. HP Stream 14 Review: https://theaverageguy.tv/2014/11/05/hands-on-review-of-the-hp-stream-14-z010nr-signature-edition-laptop/ HP Stream 14 Quad Core Laptop with Beats Audio for $299.00 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MVJYK6S?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=B00MVJYK6S&linkCode=shr&tag=avestufrothea-20&linkId=ZYWU7JAZ3WPPB7X6&qid=1416017981&sr=8-1&keywords=hp+stream+14&pebp=141601798265 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (64 GB, Intel Core i3) by Microsoft for $785.99 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KHQWPZA?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=B00KHQWPZA&linkCode=shr&tag=avestufrothea-20&linkId=7HJL4YJ62RVFI7SW&=pc&qid=1416018147&sr=1-3&keywords=surface+pro+3 Get the full show notes at http://surfacegeeks.net/band-geeks-surface-geeks-podcast-78.html This podcast is a member of the geeks network. Check out thegeeksnetwork.com for other great podcasts and
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