Tag: Jim Collison

Technology in Model Train Sets with John Zajdler with Outtakes – HT166

Andrew Morris(@unrealshots) and John Zajdler (@Dieharder) join Jim (@jcollison) for show #166 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com/. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at http://theAverageGuy.tv/live or call in your questions or comments to… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Mike Simpson from Catch Intelligence talks the State of Business Intelligence in the Enterprise – Infotec 2014

  Jim Collison is an employee of Gallup Inc. in Omaha Nebraska. Find out more about Gallup Careers at http://careers.gallup.com, and start your strengths journey at http://gallupstrengthscenter.com. These videos were created in partnership with AIM, Gallup and http://theAverageGuy.tv NEI Global provides a client-facing dashboard that delivers the right information to their customers in a branded, personalized web portal. The clients’ information is delivered securely over the web in a fun interactive visual experience that empowers customers to do their own analysis. Learn how visualization can improve your clients’ experience while decreasing your internal efforts to provide clients what they need

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Phil Poje, CEO of TechOrchard talks Mobility Strategies for Security – Infotec 2014

  Jim Collison is an employee of Gallup Inc. in Omaha Nebraska. Find out more about Gallup Careers at http://careers.gallup.com, and start your strengths journey at http://gallupstrengthscenter.com. These videos were created in partnership with AIM, Gallup and http://theAverageGuy.tv We discuss security concerns on mobility and how organizations can develop mobile strategies that adhere to the cultures, policies, and growth of a given company [spp-timestamp time="3:50"] – for discussions on Mobile Security and Free Wi-Fi [spp-timestamp time="5:45"] – The importance of using Passcodes [spp-timestamp time="7:40"] – Active Sync, Mobile Policy, MDM, and Policy Control [spp-timestamp time="9:20"] – BYOD Trends Phil Poje, CEO, a serial entrepreneur,

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Dustin Clonch from Agilx talks Deploying Web and Mobile Apps with signalR – Infotec 2014

  Jim Collison is an employee of Gallup Inc. in Omaha Nebraska. Find out more about Gallup Careers at http://careers.gallup.com, and start your strengths journey at http://gallupstrengthscenter.com. These videos were created in partnership with AIM, Gallup and http://theAverageGuy.tv Web sockets have become the newest and hottest way to extend desktop-like real-time functionality and responsiveness to web and mobile applications. Microsoft introduced signalR in January 2013 as their implementation of web sockets technology. In this presentation we will discuss designing, implementing and deploying real-time web and mobile applications across all platforms and devices. We will also demonstrate several products that Agilx

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Shawn Bolan from New Horizons of Nebraska talks Virtualization for Servers and Desktops – Infotec 2014

  Jim Collison is an employee of Gallup Inc. in Omaha Nebraska. Find out more about Gallup Careers at http://careers.gallup.com, and start your strengths journey at http://gallupstrengthscenter.com. These videos were created in partnership with AIM, Gallup and http://theAverageGuy.tv The VMWare Horizon Suite of products consists of Horizon View for desktop virtualization, Horizon Workspace for application, data and mobile device management and Horizon Mirage for physical laptop and desktop management. Shawn Bolan is a Training Manager for New Horizons of Nebraska Shawn is the Training Manger for New Horizons of Nebraska and has been technical trainer for over 15 years.  Shawn

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Microsoft Silverlight MVP Michael Crump and Technology Soft Skills – HT165

Michael Crump (@mbcrump), Apps Developer and Speaker for Telerik and fellow Microsoft Silverlight MVP and all around great guy joins Jim (@jcollison) for show #165 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part ofhttp://thegeeksnetwork.com/. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy Join us for the show live each Thursday… Click for more / Podcast Player>