Jim (@jcollison) is joined this week by Andrew Morris (@unrealshots), Christian Johnson, Renny Phipps(@rennyphipps) and Mike Howard from jpeg2RAW.com for Home Tech episode #126 What is the status of the modern hard drive? We will cover what we own, how we fix them, SSD v Spinners, WD Reds v Greens, do faster drives matter, where… Click for more / Podcast Player>
One of these things is not like the other… If you find yourself humming that old Sesame Street standard when you think about financial markets and world economies, you’re probably not alone. To the consternation of many, the Dow Jones Industrials Average and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rocketed to new highs last week… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Jim (@jcollison) is joined this week by Christian Johnson for Home Tech episode #125. As a follow up episode to show #112 Christian talks about the world of financing college. He covers Financial Aid, Scholarships, Loans and Internships in detail. He then gives us an update on his work at NASA and then some thoughts… Click for more / Podcast Player>
WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org Jim and I discuss WordPress, the free blogging software that makes it easy for anyone start their own web site with freely–available site templates and plugins. Jim is the experienced one having set up and run his WordPress–based web site theaverageguy.tv for the last few years now. I’m just a beginner… Click for more / Podcast Player>
The second quarter offered a level of drama often found in homes with teenagers. When investors realized their good friend, quantitative easing, might have an earlier-than-expected curfew, they threw a hissy fit that resounded through global markets. The outburst interrupted the trajectory of Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, which finished June lower after hitting record… Click for more / Podcast Player>
It was like watching a game of telephone where one child speaks into another child’s ear and that child speaks into another child’s ear and, by the time the last child repeats the original statement, it has transformed into something completely different. Chairman Ben Bernanke stepped up to the microphone at the press conference after… Click for more / Podcast Player>