Tag: Mike Wieger

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Ring Cam Install, Electric vs Battery Powered Generators and Ham Radio Updates- HGG499

Mike and Jim spend some time talking about Jim’s new Ring Cam install. Pics and examples are shown. Jim also updates on the Generator monitor and hookup selection. At the end of the show, Mike updates us on his Ham radio setup and gives Jim some advice on using a new battery-based generator. All that… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Cody Wheat from Shots of History with Alcohol Industry Update – HGG486

Cody Wheat from http://shotsofhistory.com/ joins us this week to update us on his work at https://libdib.com/, how the alcohol industry faired during the pandemic and some updates on what is ahead as the world recovers. Some fun stories and interesting things you may not have known about the industry in this extended conversation!  All that… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Crypto Market Update, New Monitors, Self Hosting for Mike and Apartment Gadgets – HGG485

We open the show with an update on the crypto market and Jim’s updates on the new ultrawide monitor that he purchased from a tip from Honey. Mike needs some advice when it comes to self hosting or cloud hosting storage and password managers. We wrap up the show with all the essential gadgets for… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Upgrading to Ultrawide Monitors, Valheim and Unraid Updates – HGG484

Monitors have never been cheaper and Jim thinks now is the time to move to a new Ultrawide monitor for the Mac and Mike has some options. We also talk about the new game that is taking the world by storm, Valheim. We even learn how to pronounce it correctly. We look the the new… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Plex vs Channels, Updates on Unraid and Home Assistant – HGG475

After months of lots negative feedback from Sarah about Plex, Jim finally takes the recommendation of Josh and Richard at Entertainment 2.0 and tries out Channels. You might be surprised what he finds. Mike and Jim also give an update on their Unraid and Home Assistant installs and finish the show with Jim possibly buying… Click for more / Podcast Player>