Author: Jim Collison

No Home Tech or Financial Tech Podcasts the Week of July 4

I guess the title says it all.  Taking the entire week off from podcating.  Hope you are all having a great week.  Back next week with a full schedule. Visit one of our affiliate sponsors Buy Online, Pick Up in Your Local Best Buy Store-Same-Day Pickup Guarantee.   Woot: One Day, One Deal.   Free 2nd Day Shipping on Entire Order with Purchase of ADATA DashDrive HD710 500GB Hard Drive!   Jim

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What’s New and a LIVE First Look at Windows 8.1 Preview, Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials Preview with Hyper-V – HT124

Jim (@jcollison) is joined this week by Andrew Morris (@unrealshots), Paul Baran (@Tinkererguy) from and Michael Martis (@MikeMartis) from for Home Tech episode #124 We recorded an update on Mike Howard's condition that I tagged onto the end of the podcast.  Thanks Mike for sharing with us! Join us for the show live… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Hands On Review of the Roku 3

Don’t make the mistake of comparing the Roku 3’s size to its capabilities. Roku 3 ( at Amazon) is a sleek, slender device that can easily fit within the palm of your hands. It is a powerful machine that is an absolute delight to use. I have been using the Roku 3 actively for the past one week and have been amazed at its speed and overall features set. Not only can the Roku 3 change channels quickly, its search and channel store library is second to none. This device is leaps and bounds above its competition and a significant

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Federal Open Market Committee Policy Meeting and Is There a Housing Bubble? – Guide Rock Weekly Market Commentary Jun 24 – FT033

It was like watching a game of telephone where one child speaks into another child’s ear and that child speaks into another child’s ear and, by the time the last child repeats the original statement, it has transformed into something completely different. Chairman Ben Bernanke stepped up to the microphone at the press conference after… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Do We Need Another Drive Extender? A First Look at PoolHD from Anvil AG

A new Drive Extender offering is on the market.  PoolHD from Anvil AG is making a run at the expandable storage market with PoolHD and a promise that it will be simple, fast and infinite.  The first version was released June 18, 2013.  With a starting price of $12.95USD and a Windows Home Server 2011 / Windows Server 2012 Addin scheduled to release on June 26, 2013, the offering looks interesting. I am using a Window 7 VM with 2GB of RAM on top of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard w Hyper-V role.  The VM has a 60GB OS

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Windows Home Server MVP John Zajdler and Paul Braren of, WHS Addins, Windows Server 2012 Essentials and R2 – HT123

Jim (@jcollison) is joined this week by long time Home Sever Show host and Microsoft Windows Home Server MVP John Zajdler (@Dieharder) and Paul Baran (@Tinkererguy) from for Home Tech episode #123. Buy a ASUS 23" 1080p Widescreen LCD Monitor for Only $160.99 at! Best Deals Every Nanosecond! Join us for the show… Click for more / Podcast Player>