Author: Jim Collison

New SSD Drives, New Cloud Storage Options, Big Microsoft Changes, Samsung Galaxy S III – HT071

Jim and Andrew are joined this week by Gary Johnson (filling in for Christian) and Special Guest Chris Lux for show 71 of The Home Tech Podcast.  We chat about New SSD Drives, the newest in Cloud Storage Options (Google Drive, SkyDrive, Dropbox) as well as some big Microsoft changes with their software. MozyPro–secure online… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Rich’s Random Podcast Generator – Windows 8: Start Screen, Charms, Keyboard Shortcuts, Reset and Restore, File History, and the Splashtop app – RRPG016

Jim Collison is off today, visiting family in Kentucky. Mike Howard of jpeg2RAW joins Rich O’Neil as co-host for the show, and joining those two are John Stutsman, Paul Braren, and John ‘Diehard’ Zajdler. Discussions center on Windows 8 - Start screen and features such as Restore + Reset and File History, plus the Splashtop… Click for more / Podcast Player>

CrashPlan, eBay, HTPC, Rainmeter, RaspberryPi, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy Note, Windows 8 – HT070

Jim, Andrew and Christian are joined this by Gary Johnson for show 70 of The Home Tech Podcast.  We talk CrashPlan, eBay, HTPC, Rainmeter, RaspberryPi, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy Note, Windows 8 Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at Listen Mobile: The guys start off with an eBay Australia… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Commodore 64, Dropbox, Facebook, Home OS, Lead Recycling, Timex Sinclair 1000 – HT069

The guys are joined by Bryan Auer and Rich O’Neil for show 69 of The Home Tech Podcast. The guys start off learning some about the lead recycling business that Bryan works in, with Bryan telling us how lead-acid batteries, and other lead containing products are recycled into re-usable components. Join us for the show… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Sound Issues, Dropbox, Amazon Prime, Garmin 410 Deal, New Honda Key, Ultrabook Deal,, Lightroom 4 – HT068

Jim was joined again this week by jpeg2raw host Mike Howard, regular host Christian Johnson. Andrew came in late and left early from his holiday. Jim showed off his budget sound card purchase from Best Buy: A Rocketfish Gaming Sound Card. Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at Listen Mobile:… Click for more / Podcast Player>

2012 State Farm 10 Mile and 5K: 20 Miles of Training and Results

March 31, 2012 – For the second year in a row I have used the State Farm 10 mile as a 20 mile training run in preparation for the Lincoln Marathon.  The last two years have been terrible weather.  It rained two years ago (2010) and snowed last year (2011).  This year, the weather couldn’t have been much better.  We are off to an early spring here in Nebraska and the morning temps were in the 50s this morning with overcast skies.  It was wonderful. I have been training with Dave Cihal now for the last 6 months.  He is

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