Author: Jim Collison
#38 The Fitness Tech Podcast: Jamie is Moving and David Seevers Interview before Ironman Canada!
Drobo Has a New Dashboard! Welcome Version 2.0 with a Drobo S and 5 Drives.
I have been reviewing a Drobo in some form or fashion since December 2010. Some reviews over at the Home Server Show and some here at the Average Guy. In recent months, Drobo has released a new version of their dashboard (v2.0.2 for this review) for both their consumer and enterprise products. For a company that is taking steps in the right direction when it comes to back up hardware, this software upgrade replaces a fairly vanilla offering from the last several years. It’s a definite upgrade and one that users of a Drobo should test out quickly. I found
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Exercising in the Heat
By: Mindy Herzog Exercising in the heat can be dangerous. When Mother Nature turns up the heat, as many of us are experiencing now, it is important to take the proper precautions. Continuing your exercise program as you normally would can and will be dangerous. Keep in mind the following when exercising in the heat: Temperature The best time to avoid exercising outdoors is between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the exposure is the strongest. If the mercury level rises above 85 degrees F, you may want to consider exercising later in the day or beating the heat by
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