Hands on Review of the [5-in-1] RAVPower FileHub Wireless SD Card Reader with 3000mAh Backup Battery, Wireless Mobile Storage Media Sharing, WLAN Hot Spot & NAS File Server

Bill Rockhold is a Home Tech listener and guest writer for the The Average Guy Blog.  This item was purchased with proceeds from the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund.  https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy With spring break approaching and summer vacation right around the corner, the season of road trips with children were quickly upon us. Our family’s biggest technology road trip hurdle was that my step-daughter had a tablet, but had too many videos to fit on the device. So, we would end up taking a DVD player to compensate for the lack of drive space. I thought that I solved the issue

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LastPass with Amber Gott, OpenDNS, Powerocks Powercube 9000mAh Battery – HT155

Amber Gott (@lastpass), Online Community Manager for Last Pass (https://lastpass.com/) and Rich O’Neil (@dvn7) joins Jim (@jcollison) and for show #155 of Home Tech Podcast brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com/ community. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Manfrotto Clamps and Arms, NAS Home Servers, Mame Pi for Gaming and Dashcams – HT154

Bill Paulmenn (@BillPaulmenn) and Andrew Morris(@unrealshots) join Jim (@jcollison) and for show #154 of Home Tech Podcast brought to you by the Average Guy Network. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at http://theAverageGuy.tv/live or call in your questions or comments to be played… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Plex, Windows Media Center and Podcasting Equipment for the Average Guy – HT153

Chris Barns (@chrishalebarnes) from of the Digital Media Zone (http://thedigitalmediazone.com/) and host of thEndUsr Podcast (http://thedigitalmediazone.com/podcasts/thendusr/).and Anthony Raynor (@awraynor) join Jim (@jcollison) and Christian Johnson for show #153 of Home Tech Podcast brought to you by the Average Guy Network. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy Join us for the show live each… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Blackphone, Phil Zimmermann, Geeksphone, Knox Security, Samsung 840 EVO-500GB, SED-self-encrypting hard drive, cpu-world.com – RRPG026

Jim and I discuss the soon-to-be-released Blackphone – product of a collaborative effort between Phil Zimmermann (PGP) and Geeksphone. This is their way of taking back privacy for consumers in wake of the NSA revelations. We also talk about Knox Security for the GS4, the SED technology found in Samsung's 840 EVO 500GB SSD, hacked… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Fears of a China Bubble and Federal Reserve Tapering – The Guide Rock Capital Market Commentary – FT053

Was it a stutter step or have markets lost their balance? Anybody who knows football can tell you a lot goes into every play. Strategy, practice, game review, and preparation all affect outcomes, as do decisions and execution during games. Many, many factors influence gains and losses on the field. Similarly, numerous issues affect the… Click for more / Podcast Player>