Home Server Show #111

In show #111 we go over the announcement of new Small Business Server products, Microsoft’s Live Essentials and what the products mean for Home Server users, as well as a couple of server builds.  We have tons of news and Add-Ins for you and our featured guests are AJ Peck and Michael Ross.   Don’t forget the bonus at the end! Listen: http://homeservershow.com/the-home-server-show-111.html Small Business Servers Announced Windows Phone 7 Add-In: Windows Phone 7 controls Windows Home Server Add-In: Family Diary Turn your MediaSmart Server in to a Virtual Machine Add-In: DNS Updater Add-In: Home Server SMART No-Control Project Bios Reset

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Home Server Show #110

Happy Halloween everyone!  In show 110 we talk 3.0 TB Drives in Depth, BYOB on the show, and live on ustream.  This show welcome Mike F. from the BYOB podcast and we grill him on hard drives, SSD’s and everything in between. Listen: http://homeservershow.com/the-home-server-show-110.html Remote Alert Update MediaSmart Chassis as a 4 bay drive enclosure SSD Drives and AHCI SSD Drives, RAID, and Trim

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2010 Beer and Bagel Run–11/7/2010

November 7, 2010 – This morning was the 18th running of the Peak Performance Beer and Bagel Run at Quarry Oak Golf Course just west of the Omaha metro in Ashland.  The course was 3.82 miles this year, but didn’t lack any challenge.  Lots of hills, a creek to navigate and a combination of dirt, gravel and pavement running surfaces made it your not so typical race.  The weather couldn’t have been any better! A bit chilly at the start, but it warmed up nicely by race time. Last year the race had some 500 runners.  This year there were

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Like it or not, Twitter could be on Track for 200 million in 2010

One of the things I ask people all the time is "Tweet" much?  Since I live here in the Heartland of the US, the answer is almost always no.  However, according to a post at PCMAG.com (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2371826,00.asp) Twitter, the online Social Media giant is big and getting bigger.  In fact, some have claimed that the company is tracking to add it’s 200 millionth tweeter by years end.  While it’s not Facebook numbers, it’s still a bunch!  Most people I ask say they really don’t see the point in twitter.  I hear things like senseless, dumb and lame.  What do those

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Enterprise Tech Podcast #1 Interview with Graham Wood from Oracle

I recently sat down with Graham Wood, Database Architect and Database Evangelist from Oracle.  We discussed his role at Oracle, some interesting things he is working on and his thoughts on Twitter. Graham was recently the Keynote speaker and session leader at the October 28, 2010 Heartland OAUG User Conference on the Gallup campus in Omaha Nebraska. Listen Here Intro and Exit Music from “Motion” by Adelaide.  Hear more great tunes at Listentoadelaide.com

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Heartland OAUG Keynote Graham Wood on Lowering Your IT Costs with Oracle Database 11g

Oracle Architect and keynote speaker at the next Heartland OAUG Conference (http://heartlandoaug.spaces.live.com) , Graham Wood, talks recently about lowering your IT costs using Oracle Database.  He is also giving a session on DB Time-based Oracle Performance Tuning: Theory and Practice.  The Conference is October 28th at the Gallup Campus and the cost is Free!  Details at the link above. Source: http://blogs.oracle.com/databaseinsider/2009/03/graham_wood_on_lowering_your_c.html

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