AI-driven Smart Homes and Smart Security Systems in the 2020s

Monitored security was revolutionized in the 1970s with the combination of the CCTV security cameras and VCRs, but was also complicated to set up and not practical for home use. We also remember the dream of having complete home audio, with speakers in every room and an intercom to top it off. Because of cost and complexity, it was out of reach for most. Since then, and with the advent of cheaper and more convenient digital storage methods, as well as smaller and less expensive cameras and speakers, new technology has made it easy for the average consumer to install

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Jay Mattison from TekEverything with Mini-ITX Cases, PC Gaming Builds and Audio Gear – HGG435

Jay Mattison is back with us as we look at Mini-ITX builds with a lot of attention being given to the Lazer3D LZ7 XTD Mini-ITX which Jay reviewed in January 2020. We then spent some time discussing what it takes to build your own gaming rig these days and finished up the discussion with a… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Kevin Schoonover, IcyDock Options and Gigabit Internet Choices – HGG434

Kevin Schoonover is back again and this time loaded up with internet and internal networking decisions. 1 GB Internet speeds means some upgrades to 2.5 and 10 GB internally, and Kevin has research all the options. We make a plea to Icydock at the beginning of the show from some sponsorship opportunities and have some… Click for more / Podcast Player>

5 Outdoor Smart Device Ideas for Your Backyard

We’ve talked plenty about smart home technology on Home Gadget Geeks, but the devices are mostly for indoor use, exclusively. So what about outdoors? That’s right, we’re talking about your garden, backyard, or front lawn. Surely if everything has been upgraded on the inside, the outside can also see some improvement. How can we take your outdoor area to the next level? How can we incorporate technology into something as natural as looking after your lawn? Let’s take a look at the best outdoor smart tech for your home and yard. Can you make your backyard “smart”? It doesn’t seem

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GoXLR Mini Hands on Review, VIVO Monitor Mounts and Goodbye Phillips Hue Hub v1 – HGG433

Mike has a new GoXLR Mini in his studio and is not afraid to use it, Live! We take a good look and demo it along with an Audio Technica AT 2020 microphone. Jim talks about the latest from Phillip Hue and the loss of support coming for the v1 Hue Hub and a solution… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Adversarial Machine Learning – CF060

This week on Cyber Frontiers Christian and Jim dive into ‘jedi mind tricks’ of AI, better known as adversarial machine learning. We narrate stories that tell tales of fooling the common systems that humans have come to rely on today, from maps to self driving cars, to airport scanners and identification systems. We discuss the… Click for more / Podcast Player>