Chatwing is Dead, Budget Airpods Review and UnRaid with Duplicati and Backblaze B2- HGG388

   Nothing can last forever and this week we found out that Chatwing was dead. With this news we moved over to YouTube chat that is embedded with the video. It worked with few issues. Mike asked the question if anyone was using a Peloton in the group, Jim purchased some budget Airpods with… Click for more / Podcast Player>

When is Old Hardware Too Old? Backups and Tech Regrets – HGG387

   Pulling from Facebook and the mail bag this week, Jim and Mike spend some time wondering, how old is too old when it comes to computer hardware?  We also have a lengthy discussion on backup solutions, cloud storage with OneDrive and Google Drive and Mike admits he is getting out of the family… Click for more / Podcast Player>

5 Cutting-Edge Motion Graphic Design Trends in 2018

Motion graphic design is a branch of graphic design that focuses on incorporating various artistic visual techniques into animation. It’s used everywhere, from video games, films, television, mobile apps, and webpages. Motion graphic design is more than just “animation”, however – because typically, there’s an emphasis on incorporating modern visual styles into motion graphic design, or trying to set new trends. Thus, a lot of popular aesthetic styles you see in mobile and web application, find their way into motion graphic design – in some ways, old concepts (such as minimalism) can be given a breath of fresh life when

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Five Gadgets To Help You Play Pokémon Go

By Emily Prokop from  – Guest Writer Think Pokémon Go is going to get you out of the house and away from your gadgets? Think again! Don’t let the great outdoors stop you from looking for excuses to sneak a few more Amazon boxes on your front porch. Here are five gadgets to help you in your quest to catch ‘em all! Anker PowerCore 13400 Portable Charger While keeping the Pokémon Go app open all day while searching for Charmander  may not make a huge dent in your data plan, thankfully, it is a quick drain on your battery

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Plex Pass Perks, Tautulli, Xbox One S, Apple Watch and Gametime App – HGG386

   Mike talks about his recent purchases using Plex Pass Perks to save on hard drives and Tautulli to monitor his Plex activity.  Jim has is new  Xbox One S and Apple Watch in the house and Mike uses the Gametime App to get really cheap Creighton Basketball tickets.   All this and more! Join… Click for more / Podcast Player>