Jim on #LivestreamStars at Livestream Universe

I had the opportunity to spend some time with Ross Brand from Livestream Universe  and we talked about How to Launch a Podcast as well as the podcasting I do at http://coaching.gallup.com and http://theAverageGuy.tv .  Ross is a pro and did a great job on the production.  Enjoy You can find the entire video and audio at: http://livestreamuniverse.com/how-to-launch-a-podcast-jim-collison-on-livestreamstars/ Contact Jim at jim@theaverageguy.tv Follow Jim on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jcollison Find this and other great Podcasts from the Average Guy Network at http://theaverageguy.tv

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Catching Up on Chromebooks with Nathaniel Lindley – HGG271

Listen Mobile: Nathaniel Lindley (@thanlindley) joins Jim Collison  https://twitter.com/jcollison and and Mike Wieger from http://2980network.com/ for show #271 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?id=457300409&type=Podcast&ls=1&mt=1 Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy or if you are… Click for more / Podcast Player>

What is Up with Windows 10 and Ben Chu from InFocus talks Kangaroo Pro – HGG270

Listen Mobile: Richard Hay, Microsoft MVP for Windows from Http://WindowsObserver.com and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/WinObs joins Jim Collison  https://twitter.com/jcollison and and Mike Wieger from http://2980network.com/ for show #270 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?id=457300409&type=Podcast&ls=1&mt=1 Support the… Click for more / Podcast Player>

An Update on Bitcoin with Edward Weniger from Alphabitcoin – HGG269

Listen Mobile: Edward Weniger from AlphaBITCOIN (http://alphabtc.com/) joins Jim Collison  https://twitter.com/jcollison and and Mike Wieger from http://2980network.com/ for show #269 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?id=457300409&type=Podcast&ls=1&mt=1 Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: https://www.patreon.com/theaverageguy or if… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Five Gadgets To Help You Play Pokémon Go

By Emily Prokop from http://www.classylittlepodcast.com/  – Guest Writer Think Pokémon Go is going to get you out of the house and away from your gadgets? Think again! Don’t let the great outdoors stop you from looking for excuses to sneak a few more Amazon boxes on your front porch. Here are five gadgets to help you in your quest to catch ‘em all! Anker PowerCore 13400 Portable Charger While keeping the Pokémon Go app open all day while searching for Charmander  may not make a huge dent in your data plan, thankfully, it is a quick drain on your battery

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