Tag: Jim Collison

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Christian Johnson with Hard Drives, Wifi and Private 5G – HGG606

Christian Johnson from MapleGrovePartners.com joins me this week. We open the show with some talk of the current state of hard drives and ask Christian what NAS he would buy in 2024. We talk about the current state of Wifi as well as some of the benefits of private 5G. We wrap it with a little… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Jay Franze with Listener Feedback, Rode Wireless Pro and Zoom H6 Hands On – HGG605

Jay Fraze from https://jayfranze.com/ is my guest. In this episode, cover listener feedback from last week. Jay has purchased a new Rode Wireless Pro mic set and a Zoom H6 and we get an update on Jay's fire pit. Also, Jim is looking at a new Gazebo. https://youtu.be/MY8jpL0Z86g Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Perspectives: It’s Never as Bad as You Think, But Sometimes It’s Worse – HGG604

I'm back in action after a much-needed Spring Break, and let me tell you, it's been a whirlwind! With April 15th looming over our heads, I'll dish out some insights into how I tackled my taxes and how it threw a wrench into my productivity. Plus, I've got some great news on the health front… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Erin Lawrence with NextBase Dash Cam, Bird Buddy Smart Feeders and the L’OR Coffee System – HGG603

Erin Lawrence from https://www.techgadgetscanada.com. is my guest this week. In this episode, we explore a range of innovative products, from the NextBase 4K iQ Dash Camera's impressive features to Erin's candid experiences with the Bird Buddy smart Bird Feeder, offering a cautionary tale about high-priced disappointments. But fear not, as we uncover a worthy contender… Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Jeff Sieh with the Apple Vision Pro Hands on Review – HGG602

Jeff Sieh from http://socialmedianewslive.com/ and http://jeffsieh.com/ joins me this week as we get to know Jeff for the first time and spend some time talking about the new Apple Vision Pro. There's lots of conversation, a hands-on review, and lots of commentary. Thanks for listening. https://youtu.be/ymRo5I4NUq8 Click for more / Podcast Player>
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Gavin Campbell with Matter, Does it Really Matter? – HGG601

Gavin Campbell from HomeTech.fm joins me this week and after a short catch-up, we ask the question, in home automation, does Matter really Matter? The standard has picked up a lot of support in the last few years, but is it ready for primetime? Gavin has installed a new garage door opener control and lives… Click for more / Podcast Player>