Tag: WordPress
Ask the Podcast Coach for November 22, 2014
This week on Ask the Podcast Coach, we start the show with all kinds of problems with the LIVE site. It looks like Dave’s site was under attack. We went live everywhere else. In this episode we talked about deleting WordPress Themes, had a discussion about story telling podcasts getting popular with new shows like Serial and Startup, covered the fact that Dave got a take down request from Audello, Barbara called in an asked us how to remove the bass from some audio in Audacity, hosting both audio and video on the same site, a new service called Shout
Click for more / Podcast Player>Haswell Issues with 32GB of RAM, VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5, OpenVPN, Azure Services – HGG174
Free Christmas Music, Yoono, Uptime Robot, WordPress Updates, IBM goes Quantum, Tronsmart MK908 – HT147
Talking About WordPress – WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org, Windows Live Writer, BlueHost.com, DreamHost.com, VPS, Blogs & Blogging, Plugins & Templates – RRPG023
HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 5
Well, I’m back on the WordPress app in WebOS and even using the on screen keyboard to write this post, I can’t say its the fastest way to write a post, but it is doable. Spell check is very helpful in some cases and maybe too helpful in others. I would try to write like this all the time. That wireless keyboard can really be handy. If you read day 2 – Saving Draft Now! Okay, that didn’t work like I thought. When I selected Save Draft, I expected it to just save and allow me to keep going. Instead
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