Tag: WordPress

HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 2

This is the second time I have written this blog post.  The first time I used the WordPress App on the TouchPad to write the entire article.  Just before I was ready to post it, I tried to add one more screen shot.  The process hung for about 20 minutes.  Unfortunately, I never saved the post as a draft (something I will do from this point on!) and so when I closed it, the post was gone.  Gone forever.  Bummer.  Huge WebOS fail.  I am still running the 3.0.0 software so maybe the update will fix it.  I will have

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How to Get Started Blogging, Using Lastpass and RoboForm for Managing Passwords and New iPhone or Android Apps – HT003

Brian, Christian and Jim are together again to talk “how-to” tech for the average home user.  In show #3, we added some new music for the intro and at the end of the show!  Make sure you listen all the way to the end. For our third Home Tech Show we talked about Blogging and… Click for more / Podcast Player>

The Beta Show! Windows Live Essentials 2011, Skype, Blogger, WordPress, Dropbox – HT001

Welcome to the first ever Home Tech Podcast.  Brian Burgess and Christian Johnson join me, Jim Collison and special guest John Zajdler from the HomeServerShow.com on a new podcast focused on Tech solutions for the Average Guy.  Got folks always asking you to help you with their new gadgets?  This is the podcast you want… Click for more / Podcast Player>