#32 The Fitness Tech Podcast: Special Mud Mafia Edition
Jim and Carrie get together for a chat about some major updates to the Mud Mafia webpage, team additions, changes, an upcoming races and mileage expecting to double the current numbers. The Mud Mafia webpage has some new content! Carrie was able to overcome her normal technical deficiencies to overhaul the site adding a racing calendar, a place to update racing mileage for the Family, a place to add races, and more details about where the Mud Mafia has been and where we expect to be this year.
Jim and Carrie talk about training mileage (ahem, 150 for Jim in April) and the upcoming Lincoln full marathon on May 1st. May is setting up to be a big month for the Mud Mafia family. Between some ultra distance races, an Ironman, several marathons, and halfs, the mileage to date of over 530 will double before June. Notable family member achievements are discussed including Dan Camp, Double Jay, and the 40 or so runners that have made the first generation of the Mud Mafia 60 strong. Now, if you want in the family, you have to know someone in the family. Stay posted for some big projects in the coming months from Jim, Carrie and the Mud Mafia!
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Carrie’s Blog: http://leavingapath.com
The Mud Mafia Nutrition Site: http://keepingitclean.org
The Mud Mafia Blog: http://themudmafia.blogspot.com/
The Mud Mafia on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/themudmafia
Clock Blocking site: http://clockblocking.com
You can follow Jim on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/jcollison.
Follow Carrie on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/themudmafia
If you want to contact us here at the show, email us at podcast@theaverageguy.tv.
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Intro and Exit Music from “Motion” by Adelaide. Hear more great tunes at Listentoadelaide.com