Author: Jim Collison
Self-Driving Cars, Hybrid Engine Options and Favorite Car Tech – HT169
Ryan Parker from The Food Craftsmen, Immersion Circulators, The Baking Steal, the iDevice iGrill and Apps for Cooking with Tech – HT168
Technology in Fitness, Hands on Review of the Garmin 220, Fitbit vs Vivofit – HT167
Technology in Model Train Sets with John Zajdler with Outtakes – HT166
Mike Simpson from Catch Intelligence talks the State of Business Intelligence in the Enterprise – Infotec 2014
Jim Collison is an employee of Gallup Inc. in Omaha Nebraska. Find out more about Gallup Careers at, and start your strengths journey at These videos were created in partnership with AIM, Gallup and NEI Global provides a client-facing dashboard that delivers the right information to their customers in a branded, personalized web portal. The clients’ information is delivered securely over the web in a fun interactive visual experience that empowers customers to do their own analysis. Learn how visualization can improve your clients’ experience while decreasing your internal efforts to provide clients what they need
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