Author: Jim Collison

HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 5

Well, I’m back on the WordPress app in WebOS and even using the on screen keyboard to write this post, I can’t say its the fastest way to write a post, but it is doable.  Spell check is very helpful in some cases and maybe too helpful in others.  I would try to write like this all the time.  That wireless keyboard can really be handy. If you read day 2 – Saving Draft Now! Okay, that didn’t work like I thought.  When I selected Save Draft, I expected it to just save and allow me to keep going.  Instead

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 3

Back on the laptop today and back to Windows Live Writer for the blog.  When I started using the TouchPad early this morning, it gave me the update OS option which in the past 2 days I have just ignored.  This morning, it would pop up literally every 2 seconds.  I dismissed it several times and then just gave in to the upgrade.  Was hoping to get a few more days on the old versions before I moved up, but HP would have nothing to do with that!  Maybe they are reading my posts? Here is what the warning looked

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#1 Rich’s Random Podcast Generator: Routers, SSL Certificates, Host Files, Kindle and eBooks

Listen now Subscribe with iTunes Download the mp3  (right-click > save target/link as…) From The Average Guy Network, home of the ‘Home Tech Podcast’ and other fine podcasts, a new show hosted by Jim Collison and Rich O'Neil.  Along with guests, they explore the world of technology in an open format. Anything goes, hence the… Click for more / Podcast Player>

HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 2

This is the second time I have written this blog post.  The first time I used the WordPress App on the TouchPad to write the entire article.  Just before I was ready to post it, I tried to add one more screen shot.  The process hung for about 20 minutes.  Unfortunately, I never saved the post as a draft (something I will do from this point on!) and so when I closed it, the post was gone.  Gone forever.  Bummer.  Huge WebOS fail.  I am still running the 3.0.0 software so maybe the update will fix it.  I will have

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HP TouchPad / WebOS: The 28 Day Experiment – Day 1

Two years ago I made the leap and jumped on the Palm Pre bandwagon.  I still remember the day I brought it home, connected to my home wifi and started downloading from an apps store that had some 300 available applications.  In those days, the Pre was a product of Palm, and the WebOS was the first multi-tasking mobile OS created.  Even though the phone release was very late and the iPhone was all but dominating the market, I was on Sprint and wanted to give this new product a try.  One year later, I found myself on Android!  Guess

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Subsonic in Detail, HTC Evo 3D Review and Some Hard Drive Chat – HT038

It was a relatively quiet evening on the Home Tech Podcast!  Gary Johnson joined Jim (Andrew and Christian were both out of town) to discuss in detail a few topics.  The majority of the show focused around Subsonic and how Gary uses it in his Home Enterprise.  From the Subsonic site:   Listen Mobile: Subsonic… Click for more / Podcast Player>