Category: Home Tech

Tech Guys Helping Tech Guys!

Live on Blab Christmas Gadgets, Livescribe Smart Pens, Philips Hue Lighting, Amazon Echo – HGG240

Listen Mobile:   Join Jim Collison and Mike Wieger from for show #240 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: or if you are in Canada, use… Click for more / Podcast Player>

5 Years of Home Gadget Geeks Podcasting, Kangaroo Mobile Desktop Computer – HGG239

Listen Mobile: Christian Johnson and Andrew Morris(@unrealshots)  joins Jim Collison and Mike Wieger from for show #239 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: or if you… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Hands On Review of the Intel Compute Stick Windows BOXSTCK1A32WFC

By Bill Rockhold – Guest Writer Initial thoughts on the Intel Compute Stick Windows BOXSTCK1A32WFC at Amazon at (Click on and picture to make it larger) Lets get the hardware out of the way. The Intel Compute Stick is a full computer in a form factor that looks like a large USB memory stick, but instead of plugging it into a USB port, it plugs into a TVs HDMI port. Obviously for around $130 on Amazon it isn’t going to have massive specs, but it isn’t completely unusable. There are two version, one with Ubuntu Linux and another with

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Hands on Review with the Olixar BoomBrick Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

Disclosure – I was provide the Olixar BoomBrick Wireless Bluetooth Speaker for review by You can find it on MobileFun at or Amazon at   The BoomBrick Wireless Bluetooth Speaker is the newest in a crowded market of Blue Tooth Speakers. Where the BroomBrick is different than many of the others however is that it features two powerful 3W drivers, providing you with a total output of 6W that enables room filling high fidelity audio. The BoomBrick overcomes bass problems by featuring a passive radiator, which extends the bass response of the two existing full-range drivers –

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Password Managers and LastPass Review in 5 Minutes – HTT029

Listen Mobile:   Home Tech Tips brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: or in Canada you can use WANT TO SUBSCRIBE? We now have Video Large / Small and Video iTunes options at Join us for the show live… Click for more / Podcast Player>

MythTV, Hands on with the Olympus AIR A01, The New XBox Experience – HGG238

Listen Mobile: Jon Larsen, Systems Engineer for the AIM Institute in Omaha -  joins Jim Collison and Mike Wieger from for show #238 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of community. Please leave a REVIEW (iPhone or iPad) at Support the Average Guy… Click for more / Podcast Player>