Category: Computer / Network Security

Worried about PC Security? 2 Things You Should Do Right Now! (and they are free!)

It seems like it comes in waves and this week has been one of those waves!  Since I often fix broken PCs for people, I see it all.  Lately, I have been getting that call that starts something like this.  “Jim, I have a message that my computer has found a virus and that I need to pay to update my Antivirus software.  Do I?” In most cases, this is a solid, NO!  There is a breed of viruses called “Scareware” that try to separate you from you money by collecting $$$ for antivirus updates for some bogus software.  It

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Upcoming Saturday Super Seminars at SLCC! Bullet Proof Your Home PC / Protecting Your Family on the Web

Our church, Shadow Lake Community Church, is once again offering free seminars for all those interested on Saturday morning, September 12, 2009.  SLCC is located at 1510 Papillion Drive, Papillion NE 68133 (Map) I will be leading a session titled Bullet Proof Your Home PC.  We will spend the morning discussing the current security threats that exist to the average user on the internet as well as a few easy ways to protect you and your computer from viruses, adware, hacks, browser exploits and dozens of other problems that come with today’s surfing.  More info is coming, so stay tuned

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Worried About Losing Your Hard Drive to Fire? Worry No Longer!

What is your worst nightmare?  Public speaking?  Getting married?  Nude in public?  Mine is losing all my data that is stored on my Windows Home Server to a fire.  I can see it now…the house catches fire and like a good father I race to get my wife and children to safety!  Just as I go running back into the flames to grab my computer equipment (oh, and you know I would!) the roof collapses into my basement and the house is a total loss!  Everything digital is gone.  What a sad day that would be! It doesn’t have to

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K9 and OpenDNS – A Bullet Proof Vest For You and Your PC!

If you are anything like me (and thank God most of you are not!) you don’t really need another reason to protect your kids (or yourself!) from the more “interesting” parts of the internet.  I have five kids (ages 10 to 20), four boys and one girl.  I constantly worry about what they see and read online.  I can’t help it, that is just the way I am. Years ago, I began to work through several solutions to help me control some of the content that comes in on the cable wires and is served to one of the many

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Worried about the Conficker Virus? 2 Second Test Will Tell!

So April 1st came and went with out much hassle for the much talked about Conficker virus.  That doesn’t mean it’s dead, as some 4% of the worlds PC are infected with it (mostly in the far east).  Here is a short summary from the Vancouver Sun. There are three versions of the worm and only one, which has infected the fewest systems, has the April 1 update code. The first version of the worm, Conficker.A, started to spread around the Internet in November. An updated version, dubbed Conficker.B, was released by the worm’s writers in January. Conficker.C has been

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A Helpful Microsoft Tool You Have Never Heard Of – The Malicious Software Removal Tool

Having trouble with a slow computer?  Things not running right on your PC?  Here is another unknown tool from Microsoft that you can use to help speed things up when Windows gets you down. Most of the time, a slow computer can mean one of three things.  1.  You have upgraded your OS software well beyond your hardware.  2.  You have an install of Windows that gets used a lot (especially by kids) and has not been reinstalled in over a year. 3.  You have a virus or malware that has infected your PC and taken it over. These days,

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