Jim was able to spend a few minutes with Chris Lux, past podcaster from the Home Server Show to talk about his experience with the very new Microsoft Kinect. Kinect brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways without using a controller. Imagine controlling movies and music with the wave of a hand… Click for more / Podcast Player>
The second show is up and running…and you won’t want to miss this one! Once again joined by Brian, Christian and special guest John Zajdler from the Home Server Show, we talk about the changes that have most recently been made to Facebook, the worst rated wireless provider the US (guess who that can be?)… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Jim and Jamie talk about some winter clothing tips for getting outside when the temps drop. We also covered a story about a Coach who saved a players life by getting help from his iPhone and then went over 10 great gifts (some high tech, some low) for the fitness fan during this holiday season.… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Welcome to the first ever Home Tech Podcast. Brian Burgess and Christian Johnson join me, Jim Collison and special guest John Zajdler from the HomeServerShow.com on a new podcast focused on Tech solutions for the Average Guy. Got folks always asking you to help you with their new gadgets? This is the podcast you want… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Guest Jerry Wall, Project Manager at Gallup - We cover his fitness history and how he got to where is now by shedding weight and quitting smoking. We also talk some of using social media to gather crowds to assist in fitness. Warning! - We talk a ton about running in this podcast this week!… Click for more / Podcast Player>
The best thing about Show #2 is that we made it through Show #1! Thanks to all those who took the time to download and listen to our very first Fitness Tech Podcast. We enjoyed recording it! In Show #2, Jamie and I again talk fitness and tech. Jamie shared a post about a guy… Click for more / Podcast Player>