Jamie and Jim again come together to talk Fitness Tech! We discuss Best Buy deciding to enter into the fitness market by dedicating space in 600 stores to sell fitness equipment and as well set aside space for users to try it out. Seems that Best Buy is responding to slumping sales. Would you buy… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Jim is joined this weekend by special guest Carrie Adams as we talk fitness and tech. We talk mafia…er…the Mud Mafia! What is that? Listen as Carrie talks about the new running group and why she started it in the first place. Carrie also talks about her favorite piece of tech gear, and it may… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Brian, Christian and Jim are together again to talk “how-to” tech for the average home user. In show #3, we added some new music for the intro and at the end of the show! Make sure you listen all the way to the end. For our third Home Tech Show we talked about Blogging and… Click for more / Podcast Player>
NEW SOUND THIS WEEK! We had the opportunity to record in a studio and the sound should be improved. Would you let us know? Jim and Jamie talk about the results from the latest Biggest Loser Marathon as well as promoting your events through Twitter and Facebook. We also talked about a new body monitoring… Click for more / Podcast Player>
Jim was able to spend a few minutes with Chris Lux, past podcaster from the Home Server Show to talk about his experience with the very new Microsoft Kinect. Kinect brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways without using a controller. Imagine controlling movies and music with the wave of a hand… Click for more / Podcast Player>
The second show is up and running…and you won’t want to miss this one! Once again joined by Brian, Christian and special guest John Zajdler from the Home Server Show, we talk about the changes that have most recently been made to Facebook, the worst rated wireless provider the US (guess who that can be?)… Click for more / Podcast Player>