Subsonic in Detail, HTC Evo 3D Review and Some Hard Drive Chat – HT038

It was a relatively quiet evening on the Home Tech Podcast!  Gary Johnson joined Jim (Andrew and Christian were both out of town) to discuss in detail a few topics.  The majority of the show focused around Subsonic and how Gary uses it in his Home Enterprise.  From the Subsonic site:   Listen Mobile: Subsonic… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Keeping Up With the Jones’ are You? – FT008

Keeping up with Jones’… Are you sure that’s what you want? Listen Mobile: Why do we find the need to compare ourselves to our neighbors? · A big part of our culture is based on competition · We have an inherent need to further ourselves · If you are not careful it feeds the… Click for more / Podcast Player>

#39 The Fitness Tech Podcast: Home At Last!

It took us 2 weeks, but we finally got Jamie set up to broadcast from her home via Skype!  Success!  In the new spirit of things, we have some updates for the podcast as well as some great fitness tips from Jamie. Listen to the Financial Tech Podcast:   You can follow Jim on… Click for more / Podcast Player>

SSD Drives, RAID, UNRAID, Apple, Android and Windows Phone 7, Rich’s Random Podcast Generator Beta – HT037

One weekend, Rich O’Neil (and some of tech guys that hang around the Home Server Show Podcast) thought, “what would happen if we just recorded some of the conversations we have around our tech stuff?”  The result was this podcast that we recorded on July 31st.  Rich’s Random Podcast Generator was born!  Interested in your… Click for more / Podcast Player>

Drobo Dashboard 2.0 Continued: Tools, Drobo Copy, Dashboard Preferences and Some Final Thoughts

I have been reviewing a Drobo in some form or fashion since December 2010.  Some reviews over at the Home Server Show and some here at the Average Guy.  The first part of this review can be found at Drobo Has a New Dashboard! Welcome Version 2.0 with a Drobo S and 5 Drives  In recent months, Drobo has released a new version of their dashboard (v2.0.3 updated for this review) for both their consumer and enterprise products.  For a company that is taking steps in the right direction when it comes to back up hardware, this software upgrade replaces

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