Home Server Show #118

It was the final podcast for 2010 and we partied like it was 1999! Hopefully we can revive the talk about WHS version 1 a little bit.  We also go over Jim’s Drobo posts and what we got for Christmas!  Next week is CES so we talk a little bit about Vegas and the new CES 2011 live feed page as well.  Enjoy and have a Happy New Year!  CES 2011 Live Page   You can listen to the show at http://homeservershow.com/the-home-server-show-118.html        

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Getting Started with Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011

Over the past few weeks we’ve been covering the different offerings available in Windows Live Essentials 2011. Another program we’ll take a look at this week is Live Photo Gallery 2011. Photo Gallery is a set of tools for organizing, sharing,   touching up you photos and publishing them online. It has a lot of features not included in previous versions such as the ability to create Panoramas, movies, slideshows, and actually has an interesting  search   feature using Facial Recognition. Install & Setup Live Photo Gallery 2011 Installation is simple and very similar to any of the other Live Essentials programs

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RunKeeper Pro for Android and iPhone is FREE in January

If you have an Android or iPhone, your are getting a late Christmas present from the makers of the RunKeeper App.  It’s FREE to download in the month of January.  Up until now there as been a scaled down free version and a fee based Pro version.  Both are now free for the taking.  You can find both in the app store for each phone. I use RunKeeper and have really liked it.  The free version can be a little inaccurate on the mileage at times, but the rest of the application works great.  It will also auto tweet right

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Stumbling Into It – The Average Guy’s Fitness Journey

Carrie Adams asked me to summarize the last couple years of my fitness journey for her site, Leaving a Path… I took a few minutes this week to reflect (since that is what you do at the end of the year) and posted it to her blog.  If you get a second, here it is – http://carriea81.blogspot.com/2010/12/stumbling-into-itthe-average-guys.html

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The First Ever LIVE Fitness Tech Podcast! The Clean Diet.

Jim is going to be joined by Carrie Adams and Jamie Eikmeier LIVE this week on the Fitness Tech Podcast. Tuesday, December 28th at 8 PM CST. We are going to be discussing the Clean Diet!   Topics will cover the basics, benefits, and how to get started!  Will be a great interview and our first LIVE podcast on the network. We will take your questions in chat.  Join us Live!  http://theaverageguy.tv/live Get more Info on Carrie at her blog:  http://carriea81.blogspot.com/ The Mud Mafia Team:  http://www.themudmafia.blogspot.com/ /http://twitter.com/#!/themudmafia  

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